Friday, March 19, 2021

Floral Friday


I'm feeling in a floral mood today so I browsed through my flower photos and came up with a few to share.  First up is this gazania doing a little peek-a-boo look at its center.

Orchids are always nice to see.  I love looking at the orchids at my local nursery whenever I browse around there.

To the left is a floral arrangement I saw on a table in the middle of the mall.  I'm not sure why it was there but I'm glad I saw it and snapped a photo.  

Colorful daisies will always brighten up any room.  They have these pretty flowers at the supermarket quite often.  I'll pick up a bouquet like this one every now and then.

Above is a type of chrysanthemum but I have no idea what type.  I just know that it has a spidery look to it.

And to the left a calla lily plant.  This one is growing outside the office where I work.  I snapped a photo of it back when I was actually going into the office.  

I hope these beauties brighten up your day and send you smiling into the weekend.  


Andy said...

Love your photos. I rate everyone them as Eye Candy.

Travel said...

Wonderful flowers, I did a series on time of framed flower photos for a friend.

Thérèse said...

The gazania is awesome!

Steve Reed said...

Nice! This makes me miss our gazanias, which sadly died in the freeze. I'll have to get some new ones this year!

RedPat said...

What a nice post that makes, Sharon! Thanks.

Revrunner said...


Bill said...

The flowers are stunning. Great photos, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful!

Janey and Co. said...

Gee those are pretty. I enjoy picking up flowers at our Trader Jo’. I am entertaining next week. Having a small luncheon...all vaccinated I need some of those colorful flowers! Some of those are new to me,

Aimz said...

Lovely arctotis and orchids, I've never seen blue daisies.

Gemel said...

Beautiful and colourful.