Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Delivering Groceries


One year ago when this pandemic started, many people started having their groceries delivered rather than actually going to the store.  I didn't but I know quite a few people who ordered their groceries on line and then had them delivered to their door.  I remember seeing the delivery trucks around town.

Last weekend, I happened to be on the west side of town and I saw row after row of Safeway delivery trucks in front of one of the stores.  I parked across the street and took the above shot looking east and the shot below looking west.  

I counted over 40 trucks parked at this store and I probably missed at least 10 more.  I did a search of all the Safeway stores in the area and could only come up with about 15 stores spread out all over the valley.  I wonder why all these trucks were parked at this store.  The long line of these vehicles certainly caught my eye.  


Stefan Jansson said...

I have been buying my food online for a couple of years. I use three different companies. The service really exploded last year.

biebkriebels said...

That is amazing indeed, so many! I agree with you and do my own grocery shoppng too. At least you see something else than your own home...

Thérèse said...

Maintenance check up point? We go and pick up groceries, it goes well and fast.

Travel said...

Interesting that the trucks are all together in one place. I think there will be major changes in retail in our future.

William Kendall said...

I imagine one store has to be a central point for the trucks in a given area.

Andy said...

Thanks to the pandemic home delivery has become a big business.

RedPat said...

It is popular here too but I like to see what I am buying.

Catarina said...

I tried to order online in the beginning of the pandemic... had to wait 2 or more weeks. I gave up.

Bill said...

We like to see what we're buying. I've read that when a item was not available, they just replaced it with something else. People were not happy with that move so now they just pick what's on the list with no substitutes.

Steve Reed said...

That store must be their official delivery hub!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sort of thing that goes on here, loads of different stored delivering grocery's

Revrunner said...

Something goin' on, Sharon.

Catalyst said...

We generally buy our groceries on-line, then go to the store to have someone bring them out and load them into our car. It's comfortable but not as good as doing one's own shopping in the store. At least for me, at least for now.

Sami said...

Grocery deliveries are popular in Australia too, although there are a lot more people doing it now than before the pandemic. I actually prefer to go to the supermarket.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh that's a lot of trucks all together there Sharon! I haven't ever ordered on line although I know many who did.

Aimz said...

I think since Covid came about this option for people has become even more and more popular especially whenever lockdown happens.