Saturday, March 6, 2021

Clouds & Crazy Cars


Last Wednesday we had a day of wind, wind and more wind.  My windows were rattling all day.  By Thursday the winds had slowed down and we had skies were full of puffy white clouds.  Just the kind I love to see.

Thursday evening, I decided to get some take-out for dinner so I headed over to Biltmore Fashion Park where I found this car parked in front of Capitol Grill.

I'd say this car has had some serious modifications made to it.  I wonder if it does any time traveling.  The license plate made me immediately think of Marty McFly and Back to the Future.  


Stefan Jansson said...

Sure looks unique.

Andy said...

You hit the jackpot Sharon. Seeing a car like this one is a rare sight.

Travel said...

Wild car, I bet it is fun. I had a red Eldorado for a few years. The first time I drove all I could think of was a line from the movie Titanic, "take her to sea Mr Murdoch!"

RedPat said...

That car is a bit over the top, Sharon! Love the clouds in the blue sky!

Karl said...

The car is unique, but I love the puffy white clouds :-)

Steve Reed said...

Ha! It DOES look very Back-to-the-Future!

Bill said...

What a unique car, very cool!
Nice clouds in the sky, I like it.

Gemel said...

That is a bit of a monster car!

Perfectly lovely clouds.

Revrunner said...

For a minute there I thought you were going to say this was your ride to the grill. :-)

Catarina said...

You went to the right place at the right time!!! What a car!!

Catalyst said...

That's a weird thing to do to a car.

William Kendall said...

That does look like a weird car.

Aimz said...

oh that car is very fancy!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the clouds hovering over the mountains Sharon..that's quite an automobile 😊

Susie of Arabia said...

Love the scenic first shot. I've never seen a car like that - I recently rewatched The Back to the Future movies. The license plate reminded me of that too.