Thursday, December 24, 2020

Remembering a Christmas Eve of the Past


I found this old photo of me and my sisters on Christmas Eve a very long time ago.  Mother had made us each those Christmas tree skirts and Dad wired them with real lights powered by a battery hidden in the pocket.

That is my sister Judy standing on the left and my sister Pam in the middle and me on the right.

We always spent Christmas Eve at our grandparents house and that is where this photo was taken.  I can even tell you what we had to eat because grandma always made the same thing for Christmas Eve, her version of sloppy joes.  

My sister Pam texted me a few days ago asking if I remembered those skirts.  So I dug around in the photo box a found this photo.


Andy said...

Photos preserve our sweet memories for ever. Merry Christmas Sharon.

biebkriebels said...

Oh, I love this to see! Those skirts with lights amazing creative! Merry Christmas to you.

Travel said...

Sweet family memory, Merry Christmas Eve

Catarina said...

Beautiful memory.
Have a healthy and safe Christmas, Sharon.

RedPat said...

That is wonderful, Sharon! Sloppy Joes tonight?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

And I am sure that you all felt very special - as well you should!

Thérèse said...

Sweet memories Sharon! Your mom and dad were very creative and must have had fun that Christmas to join their efforts for a memorable Christmas to this day.

Thérèse said...

Have a very sweet Christmas.

Steve Reed said...

Excellent photo! Having light-up clothing must have been pretty novel in those days. It's funny that both of us posted "Christmas-at-the-grandparents" photos today!

William Kendall said...

It has been ages since I've had sloppy joes.

My mother would make beef bourginoun, however that's spelled, for Christmas eve.

Merry Christmas.

Revrunner said...

Nice to have an electrician in the house. :-)

Merry Christmas, Sharon!

Bill said...

What a wonderful memory and photo. You were ahead of your time with the festive lights skirts. Sloppy Joes, I love them.
Merry Christmas, Sharon.

Gemel said...

WOW, how creative.
Merry Christmas Sharon, wishing you a happiness and joyous kind of day.

Aimz said...

What a neat photo, I'd have that in a frame, Merry Christmas

Susie of Arabia said...

What a lovely memory and a photo to treasure forever.