Sunday, December 6, 2020

Make Lemonade

The citrus trees around the valley are full of fruit right now.  

Back when I was actually going into work instead of walking across my apartment, I used to get a lot of lemons and oranges and grapefruit to take home at this time of year.  Many people who have trees in their yards would bring the excess fruit to work to share.  Just another disadvantage to this isolation we are all experiencing.  

I saw this tree full of lemons at the Desert Botanical Garden when I was there on Friday.  I was tempted to pick one but I didn't.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns.  I had to do some research to find out where the photos were taken.



Andy said...

The song was the first thing that popped into my mind...
Peter, Paul & Mary.
Lemon tree very pretty and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

Thérèse said...

I have such good souvenirs with all the lemons (and oranges).
Lemons grow in South France but they are hard to find at the market or in the stores, they all come from Spain and are even treated with pesticides which are forbidden here...go and figure...
I was lucky yesterday to when I found Corsican lemons and clementines.

biebkriebels said...

Tat looks very sunny and warm there.

Travel said...

When I was about 13 we went to Florida for a couple of weeks one January, I remember the first time I saw a tree full of oranges in someone front yard, my reaction was often quoted by my father.

RedPat said...

They look lush & ready to be picked, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

You are definitely in the ideal citrus climate! In Florida the fruit often gets mildewed on the outside because it's so humid. It doesn't hurt the fruit but the Arizona citrus is definitely prettier.

Revrunner said...

Lots of lemon zest there. :-)

Bill said...

Those are some nice looking lemons and look ready to be squeezed.

Gemel said...

I hope your life gets back to normal soon Sharon. Lovely plump lemons ready for picking, hopefully they wont go to waste.

Susie of Arabia said...

Those lemons looks very plump and healthy

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh that would have been so tempting Sharon.. the lemons look so beautiful hanging there.. yellow is definitely one of the most uplifting colours 💛

William Kendall said...

Those will never grow here.

Aimz said...

Such a perfect winter fruit, I quote often make lemon curd with ours.