Monday, December 28, 2020

Amelia Earhart


There is a new sculpture in front of one of my favorite galleries in Scottsdale.  This time it's Amelia Earhart taking a rest on that park bench.  The last person I photographed here was Albert Einstein and before him it was Mark Twain.  Sculptor Gary Lee Price does an amazing job bringing these people to life.  

I love the quote that is printed on the bench.  "Everyone has oceans to fly, if they have the heart to do it. Is it reckless?  Maybe. But what do dreams know of boundaries?"


Andy said...

Very nice. The first thing that popped into my mind is that I am old enough to know who she is. :-)

biebkriebels said...

What a pretty sculpture, so inviting to take a seat next to her.

Thérèse said...

No boundaries to whatsoever... at least mentally.

Sami said...

Beautiful statue and love the quote too :)

Travel said...

Wonderful image, she is a fascinating person, talented, driven, she fought back against restraint. It is possible she was a victim of the sexism she fought against. I could carry on about that,

RedPat said...

People love this type of sculpture where they can sit and have their pic taken beside a famous person. It is a good one, Sharon!

Catarina said...

I like the quote.
Have a great week!

Steve Reed said...

Great! I wonder if we will ever solve that mystery.

Catalyst said...

I'd been wondering what had happened to her.

Bill said...

The bench has been a place to sit for so many famous people. Nice pic and the others are too.

Aimz said...

That is a great quote and a great sculpture.

Gemel said...

That is one of the best statues I think I have ever seen.

Linda said...

Very well done.