Monday, December 14, 2020



I've had these photos of this mural in my files for a year or two now.  I was hoping I could find some information about it and the artist or artists involved.  But I've had no luck.  So it's time to post these photos anyway.  I located this mural in one of our older historic districts in south Phoenix.  It's a long mural and depicts portraits of a special people.  Unfortunately I don't recognize the person in this first section.

This second section features Mohammed Ali and Mother Theresa.

In this section we see Ghandi and Frida Kahlo.

In this last section is Cesar Chavez.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.


Andy said...

I am impressed with by this mural. It is interesting how the artist included nature with the celebrities.

biebkriebels said...

An impressive mural with all the portraits of famous people.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So nicely done Sharon, it's always a bit of a shame when the artist's name can't be seen, would be nice to give them the credit ✨

Travel said...

Wonderful art.

Catarina said...

I don't recognize the first one either, but I recognized the others as well.

Steve Reed said...

How interesting. I especially like the beehive between Mother Theresa and Muhammad Ali.

RedPat said...

That is so well done, Sharon! Hopefully someone will know who that first woman is.

Mae Travels said...

The choice of celebrities seems rather inexplicable. I can't see much overall connection among the whole lot of them. However, it's a nicely done mural from a decorative point of view. Good find!

be safe... mae at

Sami said...

Great mural Sharon, so much to see in it.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

Catalyst said...

That well done mural must have taken a lot of time.

William Kendall said...

Beautifully done.

Bill said...

Beautiful mural and well done.

Revrunner said...

I think the sky might be even more impressive than the mural.

Gemel said...

WOW WOW WOW, so impressive.

Thérèse said...

An excellent way to reflect on someone and have a happy thought for the day.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is beautiful. I like how your eye flows from one person to the next because of the nature inspired art in between each person.

Aimz said...

Someone, whoever the artist is has done really well with it.