Saturday, December 12, 2020

Great Sunset Followed By Rain


They predicted rain for Thursday and this time they were right.  On Wednesday evening, the clouds rolled into the valley giving us a spectacular Sunset.

These first two photos are looking southwest where the sun was setting.  The top photo is with my iPhone and this one above is with my camera.

Then I turned around a looked north at the mountains.  Not as dramatic as the sunset but I like the look of the sky and the last rays of the sun on the mountain.  Rain only lasted that one day.  Yesterday was back to sunshine.


Andy said...

That is what I call Eye Candy.

Thérèse said...

Impressive. It seems that we have never enough of these skies and of the sun's activities.

William Kendall said...

Amazing skies.

Travel said...

I love that landscape

RedPat said...

Fabulous views of that sky, Sharon!

Catarina said...

OMG! These are extraordinarily beautiful pictures!!!

Bill said...

Amazing skies, such beauty to the eye.

Revrunner said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Magnificent skies Sharon, every spot of rain is so appreciated, we had a few drops overnight after some shockingly hot days, was so welcome because it has broken the heat cycle for a while ✨

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful! I noticed a similar orangey glow on the rooftops of my neighborhood this morning.

Aimz said...

I'm sure the rain was well needed though.

Gemel said...

Fantastic skies! Very dramatic. I love watching the sky, I often say there is nothing as boring as a cloudless sky.

Jack said...

The sunset is gorgeous. I am using my own iPhone more and more.