Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodbye 2020

It's been a year that will not be missed by anyone.  The pain that this last year has cast upon us has touched every corner of our planet, some places more so than others.  I realize that we will be carrying the baggage of this world-wide health crisis into 2021 but, at least there is hope on the horizon.  I hope the vaccines that have become available will help to reduce fatalities and move us to a place where this disease can be controlled.  

For us here in the United States, we are hoping for a smooth transition to a new presidency.  But that change too will carry some heavy baggage with it.  Half of our country seems to have descended into some sort of madness where reality does not exist.  It's one thing to have divergent political views.  It's entirely something different to follow a notorious lier over the cliff and into an abyss of conspiracy theories and destruction.

I for one have my fingers crossed the 2021 will be full of hope and health.  I wish you all a very Happy New Year!



biebkriebels said...

The world has gone mad in 2020, at least we don't have your President, but the same conspiracies here of some strange "wappies". Keep our fingers crossed for a better world in 2021...

Janey and Co. said...

Beautiful picture and sentiment. Have a safe New Years Eve...and Happy New Year!

Andy said...

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” -Victor Hugo

villa said...

Por un feliz ¡AÑO NUEVO 2021! para ti y toda tu familia.

Un saludo desde Salamanca.

RedPat said...

Let us hope for better times ahead.
My Dad got the vaccine a week ago so hopefully the rest of us will be close behind.
Happy New Year, Sharon!

Travel said...

Happy New Year! So glad I "met" you in 2020, wonderful images and kind words have helped the year move by. 2021 will have challenges, but we are moving forward.

Steve Reed said...

My fingers are crossed too!

Revrunner said...

Upward and onward, Sharon!

Catarina said...

Happy New Year, Sharon!
The very best...
: )

Bill said...

Onward we go

Onward we go!
Better times ahead
Happy New Year, Sharon.

Aimz said...

Well I don't know about the vaccines, I read an article earlier this week about an emergency nurse who had it and then a week later came down with covid so we will be watching what happens over this year with it. btw Happy New Year for 2021

Gemel said...

Heath and happiness beaming your way for a joyous 2021 Sharon.

William Kendall said...

Well said.

Thérèse said...

Your picture describes so much of the reality!
Let's remain positive. Serenity and colors for 2021.