Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Very Quick Stop


Yesterday I mentioned the band playing at Biltmore Fashion Park when I stopped to pick up something at Williams-Sonoma.  What I didn't mention was that the store didn't have what I wanted.  So I had to make a trip to Scottsdale Fashion Square, a shopping center that I had not been inside since February.  

I wasn't excited about going inside an enclosed mall so I made a strategic plan.  I'd make my way to the store, the shortest way possible.  That way was a quick walk through Nordstroms.  That's where I saw these holiday decorations.  I stopped long enough to snap a couple of iPhone photos.

After snapping the photos, I made my way to the store, made my purchase and then exited as quickly as I could.  

Life has certainly changed drastically!  At least the stores are still open.  There are many places around the world where that is not the case. 

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I had a great apartment when I worked in Chicago.  Take a look.


Andy said...

Lucky you. As of yesterday things have changed bigtime here in the Province Of Ontario. We are in a lockdown and only essential businesses are permitted to remain open. It will be like that for four weeks. Stay safe, stay strong.

William Kendall said...

Yes, a lockdown has happened here.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Here that mall would be locked down tight.

Travel said...

I haven't been in a mall in a couple of years.

Steve Reed said...

They may be open, but I bet they're struggling! At least they got some decorations up.

Revrunner said...

Some great designers at work there.

RedPat said...

Isn't life so different for us all? Like Andy said we are in lockdown here!

Catalyst said...


Thérèse said...

Exquisite! I like the original tree stands.

Aimz said...

You sound like me and what I do, if I have to go into any shop I still do it quickly and far away from people as I can.

Gemel said...

Beautiful trees.