Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wild vs. Tamed


In one part of town I saw this tree that has kind of gone wild with branches going in every directions.  It actually looks like it might be trying to crawl away.  

In another part of town, I saw these trees and shrubs that have been trimmed and shaped.  What a difference between them.  One is quite wild looking while these look more like pets.  


  1. I think I go for the first "wild" one. Leave nature as it is...

  2. The first one is having a bad hair day. ⨌⨀_⨀⨌

    1. Ha ha ha ... 😅
      I laugh out loud reading your comments.

  3. I quite like the shaped trees.

  4. The bottom one looks like a french poodle.

  5. I love that wild tree! It's a rebel!

  6. Love your description of the wild tree trying to crawl away Sharon. As my garden can get a bit wild at times I feel drawn to it ☺️

  7. I love the "crawling" tree. There are some like that on Hampstead Heath -- growing practically horizontally.

  8. The crawling tree has some great shadows. It's a beautiful tree to grab a chair and sit under it. The "pets" trees made me laugh and think poddles. :)

  9. In my opinion, the natural look and the cropped look ... are both beautiful. Maybe in order to change the atmosphere, once in a while it was changed to make the city feel interesting.
    Greetings from Indonesia.

  10. Wild for me all the time. Maybe a bit of gentle cleaning up, but I don't care for the precisely clipped look. Most of the plant life at my new house is wild, with the exception of a pair of squared off boxwoods near the front entrance. They might depart the scene next spring.

  11. Quite a contrast between those two shots. That is one wild and crazy tree in the first photo.
