Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Eye-Catching Patterns


I took this photo back in December of 2019 on a trip to the Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall.  It was a display in the window of the Louis Vuitton store and it caught my eye because of the great pattern.  When I pulled this photo out of my archives, it occurred to me that I haven't been to the mall in over 7 months.  That is certainly a record for me.  

Here is a pattern shot that I took just last Sunday.  I went to Julie & Dave's house for brunch.  Julie served brunch on her huge patio with five of us all spaced out at safe distances.  It felt great to see friends and do something normal for a change.  Julie has a set of really great juice glasses that she bought in Venice years ago. After I drank my juice, I held my glass up to the sky and aimed my cell phono into it to get this shot.  What a great pattern it made!


  1. Wow, great photo that last one! Good to have some company at last. These are hart times with all those restrictions... :(

  2. Wow, great colors and patterns. A shopping mall, hmm, maybe I was in one in January, maybe a year ago.

  3. Both showstoppers Sharon, I would never have guessed what the second one was.. you created art ☺️

  4. It is so nice to see these today which is a dull rainy grey day here so far. I miss getting together with friends.

  5. Those are very unique!

  6. That last one may have been how you felt after finishing what had been in the glass!

  7. I would never have guessed the last photo was a glass! Shopping mall? What's that?
    Just kidding. I do know what it is but cannot recall when I last spent any time in one...

  8. Fantastic! You have such a good eye for these things.

  9. A photographer is always seeing things around him/her as potential subjects. Right?

  10. I love both of these shots. Please give my best to Julie and Dave!
