Thursday, September 3, 2020

Chihuly: The Nature of Glass

While I was searching through my years of Desert Botanical Garden photos last week, I realized that I have lots and lots of photos from the various art exhibits that the garden has sponsored over the years.  Most of these photos never made it on to my blog. Since going to the garden these days is a lot more complicated than normal, I thought it might be fun to review some of those exhibits.  The first one I have photos for took place from late November of 2008 through May of 2009 and it was this Chihuly exhibit.  The installation above was one of my favorites.  I love the color.

I'm sure that many of you have heard of Dale Chihuly, the famous glass artist.  He has had exhibits all over the world.  This was his first in Arizona and his first in an outdoor setting.  Since the success of this exhibit, he has done a few more outdoor exhibits in various locations around the globe.

The installation above was called "Th Sun" and it stood in the center of the garden where everyone could enjoy it.

The one to the left was a chandelier that was located in one of the specialty gardens.  I took this photo on a night visit.

The boat full of colorful orbs was another favorite of mine.  This event was the first time I had seen so many of Chihuly's sculptures in one place.  It made me fall in love with this work.  About two years ago, I traveled to Seattle to visit his museum there.  I was blown away by the beauty of the displays there.  I posted about it here.


  1. Amazing what artists can do with glass, beatiful!

  2. The next time I am in Phoenix, I need to allow time for a visit to the gardens.

  3. Hi Sharon
    I was just playing with New Blogger and I am not having great success with it. Have you found anyplace that gives some hints on how it works rather than just clicking around to see what works? If Lowell was still with us I would be going him for a tutorial.

  4. Incredible!!!! The amount of work and time it takes to make those beautiful pieces.

  5. I saw an exhibition of glass sculptures like this in one of the D.C. museums a few years ago.

  6. Stunning, he is brilliant! I love them all Sharon but the 'chandelier' is fabulous 💙

  7. Incredible beautiful art. Very creative indeed.

  8. Chihuly is a big presence in Washington, including the Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle and also at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. His work is amazing. You've reminded me to go back to photos I've taken at both places.

  9. I've seen a couple of Chihuly exhibits in botanical gardens -- his work really DOES go well with plants!

  10. Amazing glass sculptures, I wouldn't mind having a big bowl of all those colourful balls in my garden :)

  11. The exact same artwork is on permanent display in Seattle - I love going there and it's a "must see" for my guests!
