Saturday, August 1, 2020

Theme Day: City People

The first of the month has rolled around again and it's "Theme Day" for City Daily Photo Bloggers.  Back in January when this theme was scheduled, getting photos of people out and about was not a problem.  However five months into the pandemic shut-down and gatherings of people are not easy to find.  Add to that some excessive heat here in Phoenix and the only people I see are in the aisles of the grocery store or on the computer screen for Zoom sessions.  So, I dug into my archives to see if I had any photos that might work.  I found this one that I took back in 2012 of a fellow that used to appear from time to time near where I was working.  He was nicknamed "The CEO" because he always looked like he was in charge.  This day he even had the cigar and the swivel chair to complete the picture.

You might notice those people standing around in the background.  There was a very popular restaurant across the street.  So popular that people would stand outside waiting for a table.  I haven't been by this corner in a long time but I'm betting there isn't a line these days.

To see other "City People" from around the world, click here.


  1. He's got everything there for a day's work.

  2. The summers have got to be brutal on the streets.

  3. I can't imagine being out on your streets in the heat you are having, Sharon! Restaurants opened here yesterday but with limited occupancy and lots of rules.

  4. Beautiful light in this shot Sharon, would have been interesting to see that very same scene today 💜

  5. Nicely captured, great for the theme. I imagine this man could be a little hot seeing what he's wearing.

  6. I miss seeing people on the streets. You have a great image for the theme!

  7. Good choice for the theme, and a perfect name for your subject, especially with that cigar.

  8. Good choice. I can't imagine standing outside in PHX waiting for a table at the moment but the issue is moot.

  9. Good people shot, pity he's not dressed like a CEO.

  10. Hopefully, like other CEOs, he has now retired to a comfortable life in Florida. :)

  11. Love this pic of the CEO - the composition, the colors, and just him
