Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hummingbird Activity

This little hummingbird made a circle around my head before he focused in on these agave blooms.  Luckily, I happened to have my camera with me so I stood still and waited to see if I could get a good shot.

This little guy turned out to be quite cooperative, hovering around the plant while took several shots.  I love it when they ham it up for the camera.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting a historic mission in Southern Arizona.


  1. Great pictures, I was surprised to find hummingbirds in the desert.

  2. We have a lot of hummingbirds here in Colorado in the summer. They seem to be difficult to photograph...nice shot

  3. Lucky you Sharon, super shots. Aren't they delightful little birds, amazing the way their wings move so fast to keep them hovering like this , gorgeous iridescent colours too 💜

  4. These are wonderful pics, Sharon!

  5. Wow, you got some great shots, Sharon. Teamwork at its best!

  6. Hummingbirds here, when they come, will fly right up and hover within feet of me at times. Must be my colorful personality.

  7. Your patience paid off. These are great shots. I love hummingbirds!
