Saturday, August 29, 2020

National Guard

I don't think I ever mentioned that the Desert Botanical Garden is located very close to the Arizona National Guard military facility.  Consequently, I've seen National Guard helicopters fly over the park on many, many occasions.  Every once in a while, I snap a photo of one of them as they pass overhead.

A few days ago, a friend asked if she could get a copy of a photo of mine that I took at the Desert Botanical Garden and that prompted me to search through my photos to find the one she wanted.  That's when I found these three shots of these serious looking flying machines.

This one appears to be a medical unit.  The top photo I think is the best of the three. I took it in 2010.  The middle one was taken in 2012 and this medical helicopter was taken in 2016.  These might be the only photos I have of them but, I see one or two fly over almost every time I go to the garden.  It's a very busy National Guard facility.


  1. All only for medical helps? That is a lot of trouble.

  2. In your location the sky is a busy place.

  3. Everyone should ride in a helicopter - an amazing way to fly.

  4. We seem to be under the route for the medical helicopter here so hear and see tim go by fairly often. They are so effective getting people to the hospital quickly.

  5. They are quite impressive. I don't see them often.

  6. Amazing that you found these photos when you were looking for something else - you must be really organized with your photos!!!

  7. We occasionally see Coastguard helicopters when they are having an exercise training session. They are quite the sight to see. Nice shots, Sharon.

  8. I caught a ride once with Jerry Foster when we both worked at the same place. Interesting experience.

  9. I was wondering why they were flying over your area, do you live near a military base?

  10. I live near a joint services base in Ft. Worth which shares runways with Lockheed an airplane manufacturer...we are a lot o overheard airplane traffic too.

  11. Well that's strange bedfellows Sharon, the Botanical Gardens and a military base 😉 excellent shots, did you find the photo you were originally looking for?

  12. How weird, to have military equipment flying over such a bucolic setting!
