Friday, August 28, 2020

Filtering the Sun

Early Wednesday morning I was on my way to an appointment when I turned east and noticed how strange the rising sun was looking.  I later learned that the smoke from the fires burning in California and northern Arizona was creating some high level air pollution.  We couldn't smell any smoke but there was a strange level of gray in the sky for most of the day.  In fact, it's been gray an hazy for the past two days. 

This almost looks like one of those sun filters people use to view an eclipse.


  1. The skies are wonderful this time o f the year.

  2. Interesting sky, I love a nice fog, and you wide sidewalks.

  3. I feel so sorry for the people of California. The firers seem to be never ending.

  4. Hopefully they get some rain out there in California to help the firefighters.

  5. If you didn't know what was causing that, it would look beautiful, wouldn't it?

  6. It does look a wee bit different Sharon, love the mountains in the background of this shot, looks like a giant climbing up the left side 😉

  7. Eerie looking, but a pretty shot. Amazing how far smoke travels. I know it's been traveling west to east, and our desert communities have had hazy, smoky skies. Terrible air quality too.

  8. The smoke can make the sky look different yet still beautiful. It's good that you can't smell the smoke.

  9. Smoke can really make interesting effects in the sky. Nice capture!
