Friday, August 14, 2020

Making a Condo a Castle

I stumbled on this set of condominiums yesterday when I went out to get a sandwich for lunch.  It looks like the builder has decided that buyers might like the feel of castle living in their condo.  Some of the units have turrets.  I'd love to see inside one of these. I imagine maybe a space for reading or an office for working from home.   It would be interesting to see how that round space has been set up.


  1. Yes an unusual addition to the condos.

  2. They look interesting and enchanting.

  3. I'm always intrigued by turrets too. They make me wonder about what they are used for, how they are furnished, etc. I think of them for a perfect spot for reading.

  4. How weird, but yeah, I bet they're interesting rooms on the inside. Probably not great for hanging artwork!

  5. Looks like a nice interesting place.

  6. Turret over a two car garage? It might be an interesting space but it seems a little silly to me.

  7. Looks like a charming place to live.

  8. I had to chuckle at this photo - there are so many castle themed villas and other buildings here in Saudi Arabia. I guess it's a matter of taste.
