Saturday, July 18, 2020

Phoenix Historic Neighborhoods

I started a series over six years ago of photos of homes from some of the Historic Neighborhoods in Phoenix.  I don't think I ever finished it.  Since driving around neighborhoods and shooting photos from my car is something I can do and still remain socially distant, I think it's time I revisit some of these places.  So I'm going to try to cover all 35 of our historic neighborhoods over the months ahead.  I'm starting above with a house from the Alvarado neighborhood.  This neighborhood has some wonderful old homes that have been beautifully maintained.  I pictured two of them in the past here and here.

This house is in the Ashland Historic Neighborhood and you can tell from the high-rise buildings behind it that it's located very close a business corridor.  Those are buildings along Central Avenue in the background.

This last house is from the Brentwood Historic Neighborhood.  This area began developing in the 1920's and was considered a suburb of Phoenix for a while. Now it's right in the heart of town.

I love looking at these old houses.  They have so much character.


  1. They look very nice, so different from ours with those porches and the colours.

  2. I too love old historic neighborhoods. So much more charm and character that you don't see in more modern areas. Lovely post, Sharon. I'm spending my first ever summer in Jeddah due to the virus - and we are isolating, even though restrictions have loosened up here. Hope you are well!

  3. They look like haciendas.
    Beautiful houses.

  4. I agree they are lovely Sharon, the last one in particular took my fancy 💙

  5. The last one is my favourite too, Sharon! I always like wandering through old neighborhoods too.

  6. They are great old houses. Are these expensive neighborhoods now?

  7. They are beautiful houses indeed! I love the last one probably because its size is smaller than the other ones.

  8. Sounds like a great idea, so long as someone doesn't suspect you as being some kind of detective. :-)

  9. A friend of mine used to own a little house in the area just west of Encanto Park. It's probably worth a lot more now.

  10. What kinds of prices are those neighborhoods?

  11. Sweet old homes! Visiting these neighborhoods sounds like a good project during pandemic times.
