Sunday, July 19, 2020

Living Near the College

When Phoenix College opened up in 1939 it was located just outside the city limits.  Its opening created a demand for nearby housing and thus the Historic Neighborhood of Campus Vista was born. I think I've mentioned several times that I used to live in a Historic Neighborhood and it just so happens that this is the neighborhood I lived in.  In fact, this is the house I lived in.  This photo is from my archives and it reflects how the house looked while I was living there.  I actually began blogging from here back in 2008.

I drove by the old house recently and this is what it looks like these days.  I like the brown trim and the trees have grown nicely.

It's almost hard to believe that this area was once outside the city limits because today it is located right in the heart of the city just minutes away from downtown Phoenix.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm taking a virtual walk in the high desert.


  1. Must have brought back lovely memories Sharon and good to see your former abode is still being looked after so well. I have a feeling my suburb will be termed inner city at some point also, the suburbs in Perth are spreading out further and further every day ✨

  2. A very nice house! I agree, the brown trim does look better. Those trees have grown up to be beauties.

  3. What a difference the trees make to the house, Sharon! It must have been fun to go by and see the difference.
    We just got a torrential thunderstorm for about 10 minutes and now it is bright out again. Strange weather patterns.

  4. Your second photo made me wonder if those skyscraper palms are still there or if they've just been blocked by the foliage.

  5. Both versions are nice.
    I've found two former houses online recently and been stunned at the transformations.

  6. It's looking good! It must be nice to know the new owners are taking such good care of it and have preserved the trees.

  7. Nice house! Looks like the new owners are taking very good care of it.
