Friday, June 26, 2020

Windows to the West

I don't get near this sculpture very often because it is located on the far side of the Scottsdale Civic Center park.  I took this photo three years ago and just saw it in my files.  This one is called "Windows to the West" and it's by artist Louise Nevelson.  Nevelson was considered one of the most important American sculptors of the 20th century.  She has large public art works all over the world.  Her body of work is very impressive.


RedPat said...

I've always liked her work so it is nice to see this piece, Sharon!

Roseann said...

Nevelson is so important in the NY/USA art scene. That sculpture is worth a FORTUNE.

Bill said...

That's a beautiful sculpture, I like it.

Steve Reed said...

I had the same thought Roseann did. That's quite an impressive work!

Aimz said...

I've never heard of her so I've learned something today.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

This is a beauty Sharon. So perfectly named. I also discovered a new artist today, you know how much I love doing that ✨

William Kendall said...

It does stand out.