Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Woeful Weekend

This last weekend was one of the most distressing I can remember.  By now, everyone in the world has heard what happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis.  I'd like to say it was the most disgraceful act of racism I've ever seen but that isn't necessarily true.  There have been so many shockingly hateful events that it's hard to distinguish one heinous act from another.  What you probably don't know is that on the same day the egregious event happened in Minnesota, a black man was killed here in Phoenix by a Department of Public Safety officer.  The major difference between the Phoenix event and the one in Minneapolis is that there is no video and as of today, still not much information has been released about what actually happened.  Consequently, the weekend here was full of public protests and unfortunately, the inevitable rioting and vandalism and looting.
Yesterday our Governor issued an 8:00 PM curfew to last the rest of this week.

It feels like the world has become a bit unhinged.  And while the unraveling has happened over a large number of years, to me the past 3 years have felt like the last threads of decency has been ripped away.

All those years of feeling like we were making slow but steady social progress feels like it has been washed away like a wave over a sand castle.  And the truly scary thing is the feeling of total helplessness one feels at the immensity of the problem.  That helplessness is only exacerbated by the looming threat of an invisible, deadly virus and the resulting economic adversity that is unfolding on the horizon.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed but, I'm not giving up.  I will continue to support strong leaders who are honest and trustworthy and who use common sense.  And I will continue to educate myself on the important issues.  Above all, I am hoping that from all of this chaos something good will emerge to heal our wounds and lead us in a new and positive direction.


biebkriebels said...

A nice text Sharon, the drama has gone all over the world. The protests are worldwide, in Amsterdam a huge crowd of people held a protest meeting yesterday evening despite the Corona orders not to come together.

Andy said...

With a lack of true leadership we are in troubling times. Sharon stay strong and don't give up on your beliefs. ❤

RedPat said...

All we can do is keep to the path and work for justice.

Roseann said...

And vote BLUE.

Mae Travels said...

Your sense of helplessness is exactly the same as mine, and your summary of the situation is just the way I see it. I feel guilty for not going to the demonstrations, but I fear the infection. The lack of compassion and leadership, and the sheer smugness of the president is horrifying. And his enablers are so shameful.

be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Revrunner said...


Allison said...

Why do they bother with body cameras if they don't enforce their use? It just makes me crazy. It should be a firing offense to turn it off for any reason. I feel like we should be out there, but we're old and the virus will kill us, so we don't. That's a lovely red flower.

Bill said...

Crazy times indeed. I had the same thought as Allison. If you're supposed to wear a body camera then wear it, if not we don't want you working for us. You expressed yourself well, Sharon and there are lots of people who feel the same way.

Tanza Erlambang said...

Your represent other feeling.....meaningful words.
I agree 100% with you.

Have a great day

Steve Reed said...

It's encouraging to me that not only you but so many of your blog commenters (in fact all of them) basically agree with you. We have entered a rather unhinged time, and I lay it squarely at the feet of Trump. If we had a leader who was LEADING, trying to soothe the situation and make sure people are heard and justice is served, rather than threatening on Twitter to have people shot in the street -- well, that would help a lot.

Steve Reed said...

LOL @ my first sentence -- of COURSE you agree with you! But you know what I mean.

Kay said...

I've wondered at the relative quiet over the past 3+ years at one unbelievable action after another, with frequent racism, sexism, and countless blatant threats to the constitution and democracy. (Have we forgotten migrant family separations and children in cages? Or Colin Kaepernick?) It seems to have boiled over as people are stuck at home with more time to reflect and, not incidentally, to also see a disproportionate number of people of color affected by the pandemic in addition to acts of racist violence. And now peaceful protesters are tear gassed and blasted so Horror in Chief can walk to a photo op because he was shamed by hiding in a White House bunker. This is a nightmare but it it not unexpected.
You are so right. It is like a wave over a sand castle.

Aimz said...

Unfortunately from what I see it's not really an isolated case is it? Sad that our world has come to this. Times really haven't changed.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautifully expressed Sharon, I feel your distress. The world is definitely going through 'something' at the moment but like yourself I have to look at the positives, and hope at least something good will come out of the turmoil 💙

Catarina said...

We never thought this would turn out this bad. From one leader to the next... like night and day.

Is there hope? Yes... but...

Sami said...

How sad that also in Phoenix an African man was also killed with no consequences to the officers that did it.
So much violence...
Beautiful flower Sharon.

Jack said...

I hear you. I think the Arberry and Floyd murders have struck such a chord with us because there is video evidence that can't be denied. Same thing with that privileged white woman in Central Park who called 911 and lied that a black man (BTW, a professional man with a Harvard degree who just likes birds) was threatening to do her harm.

William Kendall said...

To say it's frustrating is an understatement.