Saturday, June 6, 2020


I spotted these hollyhocks several weeks ago but I forgot all about them.  Since our heat wave has arrived (earlier than scheduled), I'm sure these beauties are long gone now.  I hope the people living on this street enjoyed them while they were blooming!  They really convey a cheerful feeling and we can certainly appreciate that right now.


biebkriebels said...

Those are pretty flowers, I think you are right, the blooming must have gone by now.

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful! The hollyhocks I planted last year have done nothing this season. I am mystified.

Travel said...

Wonderful flowers, in the right season, a lot of things will grow there.

RedPat said...

They are such nice old fashioned flowers! My grandmother grew then all the time.

Bill said...

Very pretty to see!

Catalyst said...

My mother used to raise them. I always liked to say the name.

Jack said...

That is a very unusual place to grow hollyhocks. We had many when I was growing up. They are so upright that my father placed them against a barn for support.

Kay said...

Flowers and baby animals are a balm these days. These are very pretty.

Aimz said...

They certainly are pretty, how hot does it get there? hot enough for water restrictions?

William Kendall said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Aren't they lovely Sharon, they grow so tall!

Gemel said...
