Friday, June 12, 2020

Flowers on Friday

I recently drove by a house that had a very pretty combination cactus and flower garden right in front of the house.  It was pretty enough to make me stop for a few photos.

I like the contrast of the prickly cactus and the bright flowers.

It seemed like a great combination of plants to make the front of the house interesting.  


biebkriebels said...

Somebody with "green fingers" lives here, very nice arranged.

Catarina said...

A very beautiful garden.

Andy said...

Beautiful! Excellent photography.

RedPat said...

A lovely sight, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

It is a nice combo!

Bill said...

Beautiful garden and beautiful photos. Well done, Sharon.

Revrunner said...

My grandmother use to keep a garden like this.

Aimz said...

I love how the gazanias and cacti go together.

William Kendall said...

Very colourful.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's an eye-catching front garden Sharon, love the combination of 🌸 and 🌵 I am always surprised though how beautiful the actual cactus flowers are, so unexpected 💙