Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Here is something else I found while roaming through my photo files.  A few years ago, I took this photo of a grass-like plant.  The photo itself is nothing special but I decided to use this photo to experiment with the "Distortion" tool in my photo editor.

First I tried some waves.  Not bad, it looks like a reflection in some rippling water.

After the waves, I tried the one that makes it look like a fountain. So now it's a fountain of grass.

Here's my favorite of them all.  It's a type of circular feedback.  I've tried this same thing with other photos but this is the only one I've liked.  I love how the circles on the side look like they are striped and the grass looks like it's inside a bubble.  

I haven't done any editing like this in quite a while.  I need to try some again.  Being stuck at home most of the time, I certainly have plenty of time to play around.  


Travel said...

I like the round one, kind of paperweight like.

Steve Reed said...

Oh yeah, I like the circular one too. This was an excellent photo to work with, since it's predominantly a pattern. (I like the original photo too!)

RedPat said...

the last one looks like a marble to me, Sharon!

Karl said...

Nice effects, Sharon, the last one looks like a candy to me :-)

Silver in AZ said...

Chihuly! Totally looks like Chihuly! Nice!

Bill said...

Very cool. I like the first and last one.

Revrunner said...

I like the waves best.

Catalyst said...

I like them all!

Aimz said...

Interested distortions, the plants remind me of variegated flaxes.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How fantastic Sharon, you did have an excellent first shot to play with 💚💛

William Kendall said...

Pretty effects.