Friday, May 22, 2020

The View to the North

I was headed for the stairs to go down for my walk yesterday morning when I noticed how the clear air was making the view to the north look very appealing.  I couldn't resist taking a photo.  I love seeing the mountains that are to the north and east of me.  I feel lucky to have some great views to enjoy while having to stay home.


  1. They are beautiful in the clear air!

  2. The skies are much more clear now with the Pandemic. Excellent photo.

  3. Lovely view. The air looks crystal clear. I hate to say it but we can thank Covid-19 lock-downs for significantly reducing air pollution.

  4. That is an amazing sight to see every day Sharon, you really are lucky 💙 I do believe the air is much cleaner everywhere at the moment with so many less planes flying ✨

  5. I hope the skies continue to be a bit cleaner when we get back to normal. You are lucky to have such a view!

  6. I've noticed clear horizons here, too.

  7. A beautiful and crystal clear photo. A magnificent view!

  8. Wow you do have a pretty view. ....and look at that blue blue sky?

  9. Crisp and so clear! You do have a great view.
