Saturday, May 23, 2020

Holding on to Spring

My Art Challenge Club met last night via "Zoom".  The theme for this meeting was "Spring" and I selected this photo that I took back in March.  I had it printed on metal and then I also had it printed on a mug.  For the meeting, I filled the mug with roses.

Here is the actual photograph.  I took this photo at the Desert Botanical Garden right before they closed up because of the pandemic.  There is just something about this photo that grabbed me immediately after I downloaded it.

Zoom works pretty well for meetings and social events but I for one, can't wait until we can meet in person again!


  1. Lovely... the colours and the detail caught my eye.

  2. Olá querida Sharon!
    Adoro a arte de fotografar.
    Que lindo jardim em flor.
    Fascinante olhar!
    Um doce beijinho.
    Megy Maia🌈

  3. An excellent photo! And it works well both on metal and as a mug!

  4. That is a beautiful photo and like Steve mentioned it would look great on metal. I have a couple of metal photos and I love them.

  5. That is so pretty! It looks like a painting.

  6. Well, the shades of orange just leap out at you for one, and it's beautifully composed.

  7. beautiful! I think I recognize those flowers, wonder if they are a type of arctotis or gazania?

  8. Gorgeous! It deserves a print and a mug. (Zoom helps allay isolation but it's no substitute for hugs from friends.)
