Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cinco de Mayo in Isolation

For as long as I've lived in Arizona, I have celebrated the unofficial holiday of cinco de Mayo by joining friends for an evening of Mexican food and margaritas.  Obviously, that's not going to happen this year.  I took the photo above back in 2018 when I arrived at one of my go-to Mexican restaurants, Los Sombreros.  It was around 11:15 on a Sunday so I was one of the first to arrive at what is normally a very busy restaurant any day of the year.  But this photo of empty chairs and tables kind of sets the mood for the today's predicament.

Here's another photo I took last summer at the same place.

Since I can't be there with friends to enjoy the day, I'll have to make do with these photos of their delicious chili relleno and a nice bowl of guacamole.  

Maybe I'll see if they are doing take-out.  At least I can have the food if not the company.


  1. We only have memories and don't create new ones at the moment......

  2. Oh I bet they definitely will be doing takeaway Sharon, you should look into it. All I can think about now is goucamoli.. yum 😉

  3. I know the feeling. The wife and I have our wedding anniversary coming up. We always go to Red Lobster for dinner. We will certainly miss out this year for sure.

  4. You should do take-out for sure, Sharon! The food looks so good!

  5. I love Mexican food. I would be calling to see about take-out, the place does looks inviting.

  6. I'm (sort of) adjusting to the isolation and not going to restaurants but I definitely miss ethnic food and Mexican is always on the list. Sadly, I've yet to find a really good chili rellano around here.

  7. Maybe next year I can join you.

  8. I hope you got some Cinco de Mayo take-away! Or at least a margarita.
