Monday, March 16, 2020

The Mystical and Surreal

Here is another mural from that alley behind The Churchill in downtown Phoenix.  The artist is J J Horner.  This one has a bit of a mystical feeling to it.  I found this article about the artist in case you are interested.

To see more murals from around the world, click here.

I'm adding two more "surreal" shots to today's post.  I went to the grocery store yesterday.  I had heard about some shelves being empty but, I wasn't quite prepared for almost all the shelves to be empty.  The produce section was just about stripped bare and that second shot is the egg counter.  Have hens stopped laying and I didn't hear about it?  This is what happens when nobody believes the news media, scientific experts or their 'supposed' leaders who can't tell the truth.


  1. This is one of those times when I wonder what the artist had on his mind. Them damn hoarders... they are everywhere.

  2. Piękny mural. U nas w sklepach nie ma aż takiej paniki jest towar . Ludzie kupują dużo papieru toaletowego, ryżu i makaronu .

  3. Same here, people are going mad everywhere!

  4. Are the symbols in that mural associated with the Masons?

    About the shortages: my granddaughter says that the vegetable aisles are empty and the cookie section is relatively normal -- so people must have their priorities wrong. I think everyone is very very afraid.

    good luck! ... mae at

  5. Nice mural, I like the colours. Thanks for contributing Sharon.
    Luckily we have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, meat and fish. It's mainly the toilet paper, kitchen rolls, baby wipes, rice, pasta and long life milks that are very low or non-existent on the shelves sometimes.

  6. Pretty elaborate design. Speaking of shelves, same here in town. As soon as you drive further away no more problem. Stay safe.

  7. Same here too, the hoarders from hell have struck again.

  8. It is the same here. I have chocolate bars, rice, milk, etc. and lots of frozen fish but would like to be able to get some bread this week! ;-)

  9. That mural is very weird. What on earth does it mean?!

    We haven't seen anything like that in stores here. Some staples are gone -- we can't buy baked beans, for example -- but there seems to be plenty of produce and eggs. At least so far!

  10. The mural is definitely mystical, I don't quite know what to make of it, but good to ponder it. Grocery shopping hasn't been too bad here, mostly cos we manufacture our own loo paper, produce and meat etc, dont' think people are really freaking out too much.

  11. When the "leader" has lied repeatedly and consistently for over three years there's no longer an expectation of truth. Leadership is coming from local and state levels and it's only as good now as who we've elected and how well they can compensate. People panic in a vacuum of reliable action and information. (Is it obvious that I'm furious?)

  12. A neat mural! I had to go to a little farm market to find beef and eggs. It's a crazy situation.

  13. Interesting artist link Sharon.. those empty shelves are everywhere, the world has gone crazy!

  14. Our shelves in Tucson are emptying. We actually bought canned vegetables yesterday because we're afraid (there's that word again!) of a shelter in place order coming unexpectedly. San Fransisco is in a 15 day don't come out of the house situation. Who keeps 15 days of supplies sitting around? I have to pick up contact lenses in three or so days at Costco and that will probably be the last time we venture in. I wonder if there is toilet paper in Wickenburg.....
