Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Giant Roadrunner & More Empty Shelves

This giant 10-foot tall roadrunner was another art work at the Celebration of Fine Arts in Scottsdale from last Friday.  He's a fine looking fellow who would be at home in any number of sculpture gardens around the world.  The artist is Paul Rhymer.

I decided to stop at my local Trader Joe's thinking since they are a sort of specialty grocery store I might have some luck finding a few things I wanted to get.  What I found was more empty shelves.  Even more empty shelves than at my Safeway Store featured yesterday.  I have never seen all the frozen food gone like this.  It was the same on both sides of the aisle.  Totally empty cases.  I think the only thing I saw were two bags of frozen peas.  We are living in strange times.


  1. The empty shelves have gone here, thank goodness people are coming to sentences, that there is enough for everyone...

  2. He's a beauty Sharon 😊 I haven't been to the show for ages but I expect I'll find a similar situation ✨

  3. I love the roadrunner, made me think of the cartoon. :)

  4. I like that roadrunner! I just got back from the grocery store and got everything I wanted but there is still no toilet tissue anywhere and weirdly there is no dish detergent. I always have a stockpile from when it is on sale but it is very weird what people are buying. Mouthwash is gone too - weird.

  5. Yep, looked for a roll of paper towels--just a roll--and there were none, not even a single sheet. :-)

  6. We go through very difficult times all over the world.
    Have a nice week and stay safe and healthy.

  7. SO strange! I was at the store this afternoon and it was stripped of frozen foods, too. We don't even buy frozen foods, but when I see those empty cases it makes me want them! Funny how the human mind works.

  8. I can't imagine TJ's wiped out like this. But a local supermarket today had shelves cleared out of a variety of items -- interestingly, a big array of baking staples were gone. No fresh chicken. I got one of the last bottles of Tylenol (other anti-inflammatories are not recommended as they inhibit immune response). Then on to Costco where there were hundreds of empty pallets tidily stacked in front and most shelving above face height empty where they usually stack pallet after pallet of goods. One kind of fresh chicken only (packages of thighs). I agree with you: we are living in strange times!
