Monday, March 23, 2020

In the Canyon of Closed Stores

On Saturday, I took a walk at Biltmore Fashion Park, the shopping center near where I live.  I thought it might feel kind eerie to walk around all those closed stores but actually, it was quite pleasant.  There were several other people doing the same thing.  Not crowds but a small smattering of people here and there.  There was even on family having a picnic on the grass between the stores.  It's funny the things you notice when you are not distracted by retail goals.  I never noticed this architectural pattern on the Macy's store and I like it.

I also like this simple window display and the reflection of the trees in it.  Yours truly is also caught in that reflection.

Finally, I decided to stop at the California Pizza Kitchen and pick up something for dinner.  Their famous BBQ chopped chicken salad sounded appealing.  It was strange to see this busy place completely empty.


  1. The world looks different when things come to a standstill...

  2. Same thing going on here. The ghost town effect seems so strange.

  3. These are strange times, Sharon! Stay well.

  4. Oh my gosh it really is so strange to see all the empty cafes and restaurants. Talk about ghost towns, more like ghost cities. Let's hope if everyone does the right thing we can nail this one sooner rather than later ✨

  5. W moim mieście tez zamknięto bary, kawiarnie i restauracje wygląda to jak w filmie o opustoszałym mieście.

  6. Seeing very few people out is very strange indeed. I like the refection in the window with the clock, very nice.

  7. I talked to a friend in Southern California yesterday and he said Highway 101 is virtually empty and where it's usually bumper to bumper crawling traffic, now people who are driving are urged to slow down.

  8. This is such an awful time for shops and restaurants. I don't see how many of them will survive.
