Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Word About SPAM

There seems to be a lot of SPAM floating about these days.  Not the kind in the picture above but, the kind that tries to get my readers to click on links in the comments.  I've had every kind of unwanted comments you can imagine.  One recent one touted the upside of being a vampire of all things.  I don't like to put moderation in effect so instead, I lowered the number days a comment can be made without moderation.  I watch my comments and am able to get rid of bad ones quickly when necessary however, when spammers place the messages on all the open posts it can take a while.

On Sunday, I received a very hateful anonymous comment.  This one was different.  It wasn't meant to trick someone into clicking a link or to entice someone to buy something.  This one was pure hate aimed at a generation of people rather than a single person.  I feel sorry for the person who wrote it.  I realize that we are living in a rather stressful time at the moment so I'm hoping this person can find a more productive way to address the fears they are facing.  Lashing out at strangers will not solve the problems of today's world.


  1. Yes I got the same comment twice on different posts, each time I marked it as spam, someone needs to do their research on what a boomer is I think and get over themselves because I thought it was very nasty.

  2. I have installed the moderation and can skip all those unwanted comments now. They were using my blog for all kind of strange messages even on old blogs from 2017! It is sad to have to use it but otherwise I had to leave blogworld.

  3. Because of the creeps (a person who behaves in an obsequious way) I have my comment moderation turned on. I have notice that other bloggers are doing the same. Just be thankful that you do not have to live under the same roof with these detestable people.

  4. PS: Turn your Comment Moderation on.

  5. Hello Sharon. Oh I hate Spam (not the one pictured above, that is one of our best friends here on the lockdown) but the mail spams as you mentioned. Glad I got my moderation turned on. Sending greetings to Phoenix!

    Cavite Daily Photo
    Stevenson Que Blog

  6. Thanks Sharon,

    We have all experienced these people and I too feel so sorry for them. They are obviously in a lot of pain and it boils out and spills all over all of the rest of us. Thanks for your very understanding approach to them. May they be granted peace.

    Hey, Spam is not the worst. I've eaten it.



  7. Ah the vampire spammer is still around?

  8. You wonder what these people get out of these hateful comments.
    Stay safe, Sharon.

  9. I have seen, maybe had, the boomer spammer. If the person put that much effort into work, they would be prosperous. Take care,

  10. Hmm, people trying to divide people across age lines. Doesn't sound especially imaginative.

  11. I've seen that comment too. (I haven't gotten it myself, but maybe I shouldn't say that! LOL) I have moderation on any post older than five days, and that seems to work for me.

  12. That creep has been on my blog too. They need something better to do.

  13. Can't help but think the comments are made by a bot and not a real person.

  14. What a sad little person who is causing such hate to go out into the world.

  15. My blog requires me to moderate. I know the comment you're writing about. I got it too.

    This uncertain time is an opportunity to sow every sort of discord. I wonder if this is a new way for foreign actors to drive wedges, similar to what was and is being done with our elections. It's so sick I have trouble believing it could come from a fellow citizen.

  16. I have comment moderation turned so I never have to publish spam comments from bots. I've had that one several times and just mark it as spam and delete it without it ever seeing the light of day on my blog.

  17. I think we've all had that one Sharon, such a pitiful creature whoever it is must be. I don't like comment moderation either, a few people have done it and it sometimes makes it impossible to make a comment on their blog. Like yourself I keep an eye on it. I like the idea of not leaving the posts open too long, how did you do that Sharon?
