Monday, October 14, 2019

Third Time is the Charm

I went back to the butterfly pavilion at the Desert Botanical Garden yesterday to see if there were any new butterflies released and I lucked out.  I found my favorite butterfly, the malachite.  I'm not sure what it is about these greenish butterflies that appeals to me but, I love them.  One of the attendants in the pavilion said there were only six in the whole pavilion.  They tend to be rarer than the others so they only get a few every year.

I almost tossed this photo out because I clipped off the top of its wing but then I noticed the reflection of its wing in the water below so I decided to keep it.

And, here is a bonus shot.  I snapped this picture of a white peacock butterfly and I didn't notice until I downloaded the photo that I captured a monarch caterpillar in this shot.  Can you see it over there on the far right?  What a great surprise.  So the third trip to the pavilion really was the "charm".


  1. Oh I'm so glad you didn't dispose of the second shot Sharon, it is super gorgeous with the reflection. You really did luck out with these shots and yes I spotted the wee caterpillar ✨

  2. That Malachite is a beauty, Sharon. Our butterfly season is over for the winter I think!

  3. Persistence pays off! Great photos, Sharon and for being persistent you got a bonus of a caterpillar. Job well done! :)

  4. You got a day job? If not I think Arizona Highways could use you.

  5. These shots are real gems! I've never seen a malachite butterfly before. The reflection is very nice. The white peacock is perfect and the caterpillar is a great bonus.

  6. The malachite was connected to the leaf by their commom colour.

  7. I've never seen a malachite. What a pretty butterfly! Love the caterpillar.
