Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Elephant in the Room

There is a new art installation at the Desert Botanical Garden.  It's called "Wild Rising" by a Milan based collective of artists called Cracking Art.  The theme is centered on the so called elephant in the room, global warming and climate change.

The exhibit consists of brightly colored animals scattered around the garden and all are made of recyclable and recycled plastic.  Each grouping of animals has a story to tell about survival and adaption.

I thought it would be appropriate to start my photos from this exhibit with the "elephant in the room".  This is the only one of the animal sculptures that is located inside a building.  The sign on the wall reads "The elephant in the room is the powerful, intimidating and unavoidable challenge that faces our environment.  Let's dive in together."

Just what we need, a little team work!  I'll have more photos of the animals in this exhibit in the days to come.


  1. Interesting exhibition, the elephant is made very good.

  2. This elephant in the room is an eye catcher.

  3. Wonderful concept for a show and a wonderful piece, Sharon!

  4. The elephant in the room. I like that. :-)

  5. Team work would be nice right about now!

  6. Hard to keep this elephant secret!

  7. I didn't realize the DBG had an exhibit space. Beautiful elephant, though.

  8. The perfect name and we know where the elephant is located. :)

  9. It looks like a timely, perfect exhibit. I like this elephant sculpture.

  10. What an incredibly fabulous way to bring attention to a very real problem Sharon 🐘
