Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Everybody Loves a Parade

I left Phoenix last Friday morning for my road trip to New Mexico and when I got to the mining town of Globe Arizona, I stopped for lunch and found myself caught up in Hight School Homecoming festivities.

It's been....well lets just say a very long time....since I've watched a homecoming parade so I decided to stick around and watch.  Of course, I didn't have much choice since my car was parked on a street that had been closed.

I got to see the homecoming Queen but since the sign read "Queen and King", I had to wonder what happened to said king.  Maybe stage fright?

There were a few floats to admire (3 to be exact).  After all, it is a small town.

And, you can't have a parade without the fire department participating!
I have to admit, it was fun to watch!


  1. Good timing Sharon. You got there just as the fun was starting. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  2. It really is hard to resist a parade Sharon. Had a smile at the thought of the missing Home Coming King ☺️ Love the Fire department shot 😊

  3. The kids would have been thrilled with the whole thing, Sharon!

  4. Way to roll with an unexpected delay in your travels! I wonder what happened to the king?! Maybe he's on that fire truck with the rest of the football team.

  5. Great shots, Sharon, on this unexpected surprise. I love that old stagecoach, very cool.

  6. You were a truly captive audience. :-)

  7. Parades are good fun, maybe they couldn't find a good enough King, fingers crossed for next time.

  8. It looks like fun. Glad you took pictures. I don't think we have homecoming parades around here but my friend's granddaughter was a homecoming queen last weekend. Does that count?
