Thursday, October 10, 2019

Citizenship and the Media

Last Monday evening was the second event in the speaker's series put on by the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership at ASU.  This time we heard from David Leonhardt (right), op-ed columnist for the New York Times and Ramesh Ponnuru (center), senior editor for the National Review.   The man on the left is Paul Carrese, the director of the school.  He moderated the discussion.  Their topic was how the media has a responsibility to promote civic literacy.  Another very interesting exchange of thoughts and ideas.  I'm so glad I learned about these events when they began three years ago.  They have been stimulating, educational and above all, a sane contrast to today's news stories.


  1. That must be interestingto listen to those lectures.

  2. It must be a good feeling to hear some she discussions, Sharon.

  3. Sanity these days is in short supply, so this is a needed tonic.

  4. It must be nice to listen to people having a civil discussion especially in today's climate.

  5. Ramesh often appears on the PBS Newshour as a commentator alongside either David Brooks or Mark Shields.

  6. Top notch journalists! I despair at how little so many people understand even the concept of civic literacy, beginning with a responsible free press. It's downright frightening how shaky our democracy has gotten.

  7. Interesting! Years ago, James Fallows wrote a book about the media and as I recall he made the same point -- that there's a responsibility to help people understand what they can do and how the system works. And also to cover the gray areas, and not cast every story in terms of extremes. Covering empty conflict is dispiriting and enervating, both for the reporters and readers/viewers -- and unfortunately, a lot of media coverage now is focused on just that -- conflict.

  8. I think you need that bit of quiet sanity amidst the confusion happening there right now Sharon.. that and your walks around the Botanical gardens ✨
