Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Finding More Art

If you have followed my blog over the years, you might remember the story I told about the "Freeway Pots" art project from back in the 80's.  You can read that story on my post from 2008.  To sum it up, it was an art project to decorate a new freeway that was slicing its way through the heart of town.  The idea was to add some color and interest to the noise-abatement walls that would be snaking through neighborhoods.

I thought I had found all the artistic pots that were remaining but, it turns out I hadn't.  I recently found a few more.  The one above is on the opposite end of a tunnel under the freeway.  On the other end is a pot that is similar to this one that I posted back in 2013.

They are looking pretty beat-up in many places but, I guess pottery tends to take a beating when it is used regularly so I think that fits.

What I don't like seeing is graffiti on them.  However, I guess that was bound to happen.


  1. Love these quirky art pieces Sharon, such a pain when people feel the need to deface public art like this!

  2. What a wonderful idea that was. Too bad there are always young fools who like to deface things!

  3. Certainly an interesting way to brighten up an otherwise dreary stretch of roadway.

  4. Graffiti is a personal gripe for me. It makes one want to hit the tagger in the nose.

  5. What a great project to add some colour to the boring roadway. Too bad someone decided to put tag the art, there's always some jerk out there.

  6. There are very creative people in this world!! : ))

  7. It was still a pretty cool program. Nice discoveries.
