Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Bell, The Flower and The Wash

I found out that Ilan Averbuch (see yesterday's post) has another public art sculpture in the area, this one located in Scottsdale.  This one is called The Bell, The Flower and The Wash.  The large metal sculptures look like bells or flowers and were inspired by the fireman's bells.  It's located next to a fire station.  The vessel that is open to the sky will collect water when it rains and there is an underground pipe below the sculpture that lets the water flow underground until it opens into a park.

If we ever have a long, rainy day, I'll have to remember this and drive over to see how this works.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm taking in the second stop on my half day tour of Milan.


  1. A metal sculpture in the kind of heat you have in Arizona must pose its own set of challenges. I wonder whether expansion joints are built into it? It must get incredibly hot to the touch too.

  2. That was what I thought as well... how hot they must feel.

  3. Now How Cool Is That?!?!?


  4. That's different and quite unique, I like it.

  5. Interesting! I'd definitely like to see it in action!

  6. interesting shapes and postions
