Monday, July 29, 2019

Masked Man

I found this mural on the wall of an enclosed patio that belongs to the Steven Paul Salon in Scottsdale.  It has a mythical and theatrical flair to it that appealed to me.  I went inside the salon to ask who the artist was fully expecting that no one would know.  I was wrong, they did know.  It was painted by John Enright.

Linked to Monday Murals.


  1. You linked to Monday Mural, but I don't see your picture there. You have to make a further step yet.

  2. I like this one a lot, Sharon!

  3. Very graphic, a little threatening almost.

  4. Is it a harlequin wearing a plague mask?!

  5. I like it too. Your title made me think of Zorro.

  6. I googled for harelquin with a bird mask and learned this from a random google hit: "The Medico Della Peste with its long beak is one of the most bizarre and recognisable of the Venetian masks. The striking design has a macabre history originating from 17th century French physician Charles de Lorme who adopted the mask together with other sanitary precautions while treating plague victims The mask is white consisting of a hollow beak and round eye holes covered with crystal discs creating a bespectacled effect."

    What a great mural you found!

    best... mae at

  7. I was going to suggest it had something to do with the Venetian Masked Balls. But whatever it means, it's an interesting mural.
    Thanks for contributing Sharon.

  8. Hi Sharon, you found a super mural here, always fun to come across them unexpectedly, even better if you can find artist info ✨

  9. I was going to say that it looks like some Venetian masks I have seen, but your friend Mae Travels has done some good research and has said far more than I could have. (There is a great store in Naples that has a big collection of high end Venetian masks, and I visit every now and then [and have gone home with four of them].)

  10. thank you for your thoughts on my mural. the gentlemen who own Steven Paul Salon were terrific to allow me to try some exotic themes like this while maintaining an elegance and drama to the environment. I also did a mural at the entryway of topiary and faireys and inside a large cieling mural of clouds and hidden elements. Enjoyed working with the team very much. more of my art can be viewed at www, I am open to custom commissions for private collectors and hotels etc.
