Monday, July 22, 2019

Native Princess & Aztec God

These two murals used to be on the back side of a restaurant on McDowell Road but I noticed recently that the walls have been painted and are now just one solid color.  I took these shots a while ago and was waiting to see if I could find something about who painted them but, no luck and now they are gone completely.  What a shame.  It's a shame too that someone had to tag that second one.

Linked to Monday Murals.


  1. But it was good of you to take the photos when you did.

  2. Beautiful, well painted murals, Sharon.

  3. It is unfortunately the fate of Street Art. Good that you kept track of these pieces.

  4. They were really beautiful Sharon, what a pity they were painted over. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals.

  5. They were beautiful! It is sad that they are gone.

  6. I agree it was a shame that the second one was tagged!
    Wren x

  7. That is a real loss to have them painted over. Hopefully another mural will appear, Sharon!

  8. The murals are beautiful. Why people need to tag, I'll never understand.

  9. Do you suppose it was the tag that caused them to be painted out?

  10. Why would someone tag such a beautiful mural - or take it away completedly... Good thing you captures them.

  11. Yeah, that tag is a shame. What is wrong with people?! Thank goodness you got photos when you did!
