Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Color Riot

The Heard Museum has several interesting exhibits on display right now and one of them is called "Color Riot".  It's one of the exhibits I went to see last Friday.

In 2017, the Heard Museum was awarded a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support a fellowship program centered on Navajo textiles.

This exhibit was created by the three fellows, Ninabah Winton, Velma Kee Craig, and Natalia Miles along with the curatorial staff of the Heard Museum.  The three young women were involved in all phases of this exhibit from the concept development to the object selection to the label writing.

Some of the textiles displayed date back to the 19th century and in most cases, the artist is unknown.

The textiles represent a time between 1868 and 1910 when Navajos had been returned to their reservation after a period of internment.  Weavers had new freedom to experiment with colors, materials and patterns and they created some wonderfully beautiful and colorful textiles.

Another section of the exhibit displayed some more recent and modern weavings that I'll show you tomorrow.


  1. That is nice handcraft with beautiful patterns,

  2. These are so wonderful, Sharon! A great show.

  3. Beautiful! It's amazing to think the textiles are so old. They look so bright!

  4. Beautiful and intricate textiles. Very pretty!

  5. Exquisite and all so attractive!
    I saw these Navajo patterns on quilts too.
