Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tulips & An Evening Flight

William of Ottawa Daily Photo has been posting some terrific photos of all the tulips in his beautiful city, so I thought I'd post my own tulip photo.  Tulips don't grow so well in this desert environment so I only get to see them when they are in a vase!  I thought this arrangement was quite attractive.

Later this evening I'll be hopping on a jet plane and heading toward Europe.  After a short change of planes in London, I'm of to Milan Italy.  I'll be back the first week of June.  During that time I might be unavailable to comment on your sites, so don't think I've forgotten about you all.  I will have posts scheduled while I'm gone.  I dug into my archives and came up with some photos to keep the blog occupied while I'm away.


  1. A very nice tulip arrangement.
    Have a fun time in Europe, Sharon !

  2. That is a nice arrangement!
    Have a wonderful time in Italy.

  3. Love the tulips Sharon, I have some in a vase too 🌷 Have a brilliant time in Europe ✨

  4. Lovely tulips, Sharon! Have a safe journey.

  5. Lovely tulips, Sharon. Have a wonderful and safe time in Milan.

  6. Have a wonderful Time, Sharon! I had some tulips inside and they lasted quite a while!

  7. Milan! Cool! Can't wait to hear about it!
