Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Historic House in Tempe

I used to live and work in the city of Tempe way back in the 80's and I used to pass by this house quite often.  At that time, I believe someone was still living there.  Now it has been declared a historic sight by the city.  This Queen Anne style house was built by Niels Petersen, a Danish immigrant who homesteaded the land a built this beautiful home in 1892.

It's a lovely reminder of a bygone era.


  1. That is quite a red colour for a house, but I like the style.

  2. 1892! Gosh the old homestead looks so beautifully maintained Sharon, looks like it will be around for a while ✨

  3. I'm glad it has protection and won't be knocked down for a condo tower or mall!

  4. What a gorgeous place, well loved and cared for.

  5. What an amazing house! It's really beautiful and looks very well-preserved.
