Monday, March 11, 2019

The Photographer

Last Saturday, I made a visit to the Scottsdale Museum of the West to see the exhibit of Barry Goldwater's photographs.  My American readers will recognize the name because he ran for President of the United States in 1964 and was Arizona's Senator before John McCain.

Politics aside, he was also a very talented photographer who contributed many photos to Arizona Highways magazine, one of the most prestigious magazines about the state.

It was an interesting exhibit with many photos of Native Americans Goldwater befriended along the way.  The photo to the left was on the cover of Arizona Highways in 1946.

In addition to the photos he took, there were a lot of family photos on display.  In a special case, I saw these two cameras that were the equipment he used all those years ago.  A Rolleiflex camera on the top shelf and a Nikon F camera on the lower shelf.

There is no question he had a gift for photography.

If you are interested in information about the exhibit you can find it here.  If you would like to see more of his photography, click here for some Google  images.

Sorry this post was a little late today.  I set the wrong time.


  1. I hadn't known he was a photographer!

  2. I never knew he was a photographer either. I knew he was a republican politician. Thanks for the links.

  3. He was obviously multidimensional, Sharon!

  4. How interesting! I had no idea that he was a photographer either.

  5. Barry Goldwater was a photographer?! I had NO idea.

  6. He certainly was talented Sharon, enjoyed the link to his work and would have enjoyed seeing this exhibition with you ✨

  7. How interesting! I had forgotten that he was a talented photographer. (At the time he was painted as a very scary conservative . . . I wonder how many people would rush to take him today instead of our whacko President.)
