Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Food Imitating Art

A few days ago, I met a friend for lunch at the Heard Museum.  I arrived 30 minutes early so went into the museum to see a recent exhibit I had heard about.  I enjoyed the exhibit and then met my friend in the cafe.  The museum usually has something on its menu that compliments the current exhibit and by chance, I ordered it.  It was described as a stacked chicken enchilada.  When they sat the plate in front of me, I was immediately struck by how it was presented to mimic the art in the show.  So after lunch, I went back into the museum to snap a few photos to compare.

The show is called Josef Albers in Mexico and consisted of the artwork of Albers, a German artist.  The pieces are based on a series of photographs he took on his many trips to Mexico to visit some of the ancient sites like Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza and others.  He took a lot of photos of the details of the geometric  designs that were used in the building of these places.

These paintings are all called Homage to the Square.  All of the paintings in the show were based on geometric patterns with varying colors.  That enchilada was a pretty clever way to celebrate his art.


  1. I like these pieces and i like your lunch, Sharon!

  2. Ha! That's pretty clever, to serve food based on the art. Might be disturbing if they have a Jackson Pollock show. :)

  3. Very creative idea. I like your meal, it looks delicious.

  4. That is so fun! And looks very tasty too.

  5. I give the cafe credit. I loved Albers, Gottlieb and Rothko when i was younger but these days I often wonder what I saw in their work. Sometimes I like them, more often I think of emperors and new clothes.

  6. Homage to the Square.. I like it 😀 Your lunch looks delish Sharon, tres arty ✨
