Sunday, February 3, 2019

Viewing the Birds

I took a drive out to Gilbert to the Riparian Reserve to see if I could see any interesting birds.  I saw quite a lot of ducks.

Including this one called a Northern Shoveler.  It gets that name from the shovel shaped bill.

There were quite a few geese roaming about and occasionally squawking quite loudly.

And, I saw this snowy egret who was doing the Hokey-Pokey!

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I visiting another beautiful library in New York.


  1. Photos of birds are always a pleasure to look at.
    The snowy egret is warming up for the hokey-pokey!

  2. So much fun to see the different kinds of birds that show up to enjoy some warm weather.

  3. The Northern Shoveler has beautiful colours on its feathers.. an egret doing the hokey pokey isn't something that you see everyday 😉

  4. What IS that egret doing?! I love the shoveler -- I've never seen one before, at least not that I can recall.

  5. I love that duck! That looks like a very efficient beak for digging about in the muck!

  6. Beautiful images of the birds. The Northern Shoveler's beak is quite unique, I have never seen one before,
