Saturday, February 2, 2019

Spring-Like Weather

While our friends in the midwest and northeast are suffering through some vicious cold, it's been almost spring-like here in the Arizona desert.  It's strange to be watching the news reports of snow and ice and sub-zero temperatures while we've been enjoying days in the 70's.

Places like the Hermosa Inn have already started to plant their spring garden.  I hope we don't get a sudden cold flash that destroys it all.


  1. Beautiful colourful photos, Sharon.
    Here we are covered in white today....

  2. The climate is in a big confusion, here snow comes and goes away the same day. Better to enjoy your place than the freezing temperatures in the north!

  3. That looks amazing to these cold eyes. We are heading up to above freezing tomorrow!

  4. I feel warmer already!
    If you need some cold air... just visit me today! :))

  5. Well that certainly doesn't look like a winter shot Sharon, beautiful garden beds. Fingers crossed the weather stays warm enough for them 🌷🌼🌻🌺🌹💮🌸

  6. Wow, that's beautiful! Makes things look especially bleak here. :/

  7. We see where all the colour is hiding out. I guess Spring comes early to you this year. 70 degrees would be considered hot here if the temps actually reached that high.

  8. Please can we swap? we've been going through a heatwave here.
