Saturday, January 26, 2019

Two More Lectures

Last week I attended two more of the lectures at Arizona State University that are sponsored by the School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership.  They both were exhilarating.  The first one first one last Tuesday was the Second Annual Martin Luther King Jr., Lecture and there were four speakers, all scholars who have studied different aspects of King's life and works.  Above are two first edition books by King with autographs.  We learned that the school (SCETL) has received an endowment to purchase books that fit in with the mission of the school.  These by Martin Luther King  Jr. are now part of the collection along with he Federalist Papers that I showed you here.

The second lecture was Thursday night and the speaker was Arthur Brooks, President of The American Enterprise Institute and soon to be Harvard Professor.  His talk was entitled "Bringing America Together" and I have to say, he was an inspiring speaker.

Everyone in attendance got a copy of a chapter of his newest book "Love Your Enemies".  I'm looking forward to reading it.

It was a busy week but, very enlightening.


  1. I like those lectures, so interesting to listen to people who have some knowledge to talk about.

  2. I'm impressed that you are getting out to see such great lectures, Sharon!

  3. Seeing his handwriting really brings things to another level.

  4. Sounds very interesting and worthy. I can sit and listen to people lecture for ages as long as it's a topic that holds my attention.

  5. If it is an interesting talk, I love to go to these type of events. Glad you enjoyed it.

  6. When we lived in Austin, we went to a University of Texas auditorium once to hear Kurt Vonnegut Jr. speak. He was as funny in person as he was in his books.

  7. Making lectures interesting enough to hold the audience attention is a skill, sounds like your two speakers here had that skill in abundance Sharon ✨
