Friday, January 25, 2019

Hilltop Living

I moved to Arizona in 1970 and in those first years in Phoenix I had a friend who lived in north Phoenix while I was living in central Phoenix.  When I would drive to her house I would pass by this set of apartments and they always caught my eye.  I thought living on top of the hill would be a wonderful experience.

I recently drove by those same places which I believe are now condominium units and I thought they were looking a little sad.

The years haven't been kind to these hilltop homes.  In my mind, I can still picture them as I drove past and thought how great they looked all lit up at night overlooking the city below.  They don't have the same cachet they once did.


  1. They look a bit odd so on that top of a hill. It seems they can fall off any moment. No green around, when you drop something from the balcony you have to find it back at the foot of the hill! :)

  2. They look strange and out of place. The view must be fantastic.

  3. Oh they do look a wee bit sad Sharon.. and a bit dodgy on the edge of the hill. A little bit of landscaping would make a huge difference 🌴

  4. They are looking a bit rundown, Sharon! It is such an exposed location!

  5. I'm amazed they got past the city planners, but I guess back in those days maybe the planning laws were less restrictive? They definitely look like they need some sprucing up.

  6. Dangerous place to walk the dog. Maybe no dogs allowed. I wouldn't want to live there.

  7. They do look a little sad, Sharon...

  8. You're correct, time has not been good to the structure.

  9. It looks like time passed them by. A little greenery would help too. It must have looked a lot better when you first saw them. I would love to see a view from one of them though.
