Monday, January 14, 2019

Three Years Late

Three years ago, I posted a photo of this new feature at the Desert Botanical Garden before it was complete.  All those circles were in place but, they were open.  You can see it here.  In that post I told you that I would show you the finished piece but, I failed to follow through.  I will be perfectly honest, I probably didn't follow through because I didn't really care for it when I first saw it.  I wasn't happy with the colors they chose for those glass pieces.

However, I've grown used to it over the past three years.

It does look good at night all lit up.  

When I took a walk there last Friday, I noticed how the afternoon sun was shining through the glass and creating colorful patterns on the ground in front.  Now that I like very much.  


  1. Looking good... especially the night scene.

  2. I think it looks amazing Sharon. Fab reflections from the glass, you won't be able to see passing roadrunners though ☺

  3. I like it. All the primary colors make for a nice rainbow of color on the pavement. It looks like some of the glass has something written on it.

  4. Your night shot particularly stands out.

  5. It's the night shot thst really stands out and it looks fantastic. I like it too.

  6. I like it but that swimming pool seems awfully shallow.

  7. I think it's very cool -- especially, as you said, with the colors it casts on the ground. Interesting effect!
